a way to work in pajamas....

There are ways and ways. Becoming a virtual assistant (or a VA) is one of them. Don't be fooled by the term assistant! It's no joke! It requires hard work. - a tremendous amount of back-breaking, mind-boggling, stomach-churning work. Sometimes I ask myself - "should I just go back to the corporate world?".

I could. But that would mean giving up my dream - of a simpler life, with lots of moments for pause and reflection, and a job that allows me to "go to work in my pajamas".

Sunday, November 27, 2011

my pajamas at work

It's been a long time since I've touched this blog.  One would think my pajamas went on a long vacation again.

Not this time.

This time, my pajamas went to work.  And my, what work!  The only difference from my corporate life is I'm home.  My work hours are the same - long, busy.

But wait!  How come the word stress doesn't even come to mind?  I work long hours but I'm not stressed?  And I have time to eat, exercise and do house work?  I even found time to have a room converted into a home office.  (I should blog about this).

There's something to be said about working from home.

Every morning I wake up, refreshed.  I get 6-8 hours of sleep.  A rare thing when I was employed elsewhere.

There's no morning rush.  So, I have time to stay in bed, feeling the morning sun seep in from the east and the cool wind from the west.  I have time to lay still and thank God for the chirping of the birds and the swaying of the tree leaves right outside my window.

Then, I reach out for my bible-for my spiritual nourishment.  I get up and I actually have time to make up my bed.

My morning ritual has gotten really simple.  No need to dress-up.  No need for make-up.  No hair dryers or iron plates.

Breakfast is leisurely.  Not the usual crackers and banana that you bite into while driving.

I've started to enjoy my bathroom rituals since I started working from home.  I actually have time to look at the mirror while brushing my teeth. 

You know what I love the  most? Getting dressed! Shorts and comfortable tees.  And pajamas!  Flipflops instead of shoes.  No need for a purse or a handbag.  All I need to do is cross over - a couple of steps, maximum three- from my bedroom to my home office.

How about work?  Well, this is the biggest surprise.  I thought I would have to give up my career altogether while working from home.  I thought the work-from-home career is for virtual assistants, writers and IT people only.  Big mistake!

After a really short stint as a personal assistant, now I'm doing (on line) two of the things I love doing the  most: recruitment and training.  Yes! Training.

Another wonderful surprise is the new friendships I've started to develop via Skype.  If you're a bonafide breathing, feeling human being, you just can't stay impersonal for long.  Somehow, the need for a more personal interaction comes into the picture.  No physical interaction-true.  But emotional bonding is possible. 

What is it to you?  Well, it's an option.  You're not trapped in your current cubicles.  You don't need to continue hating your life the minute you open your eyes from sleep (or the lack of it). 

I'm not going to tell you that you'll have time for family 24 hours a day.  You will be working.  You're just at home.  Just a shout away in case of emergencies.  With more free time because you'll save on travel and getting ready for work.

A lot of people still cannot imagine what I'm doing.  I'm at home but I'm working.  I get paid in dollars and the money goes straight to my bank account. I get paid while working in my pajamas.  And I get to learn while I work. 

Obviously, I'm quite happy with the way things have turned out.  Maybe it's time you start thinking about working from home, too.  Check out these sites to get started:


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my pajamas is in japan

I haven't posted in this blog for some time.  I got busy with some small projects and getting a visa.  A visa for Japan - yes!  That was a long shot. But I got myself a 3-month visa. On sponsorship, of course.

This is the beauty of working from home.  Or working in your pajamas.  I don't need to go on leave for the 3 months I'll be out of the country.  I may be in thicker, warmer pajamas.  But I'm still in my pajamas.  Working.

I get to walk every morning here

or here

sometimes here

Sometimes I bike to see this view

Oftentimes,I walk by this river (Edogawa) which is pretty close to my sister's house

I take really long walks everyday.  But I'll be home early mid-morning.  Working.  In my pajamas.

(Note:  If you're interested to work in your pajamas, click on these links - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268349 or http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268351

Friday, April 22, 2011


Well, a lot of us say "yes" when asked "do you want work from home"? We all think it's some kind of fantasy (that's impossible) or it's heaven (I wish...).

Why not stop the speculation and investigate what to expect, how much can you earn, and know more about how you can do this "work at home thing".

Listen to the "work at home" expert Jomar Hilario as he trains you on how you can start making steps to leaving your stressful work and just staying in your bedroom all day ...while earning!

Click here to know more: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268350

And if you can't attend the Manila Sept 18, 1pm - 6pm event, you can still be oriented via the ONLINE version of the seminar here: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268350

Try it out, it's about time you spent more time at home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

my pajamas got 'TESTED'

My pajamas finally got to take the oDesk tests.  And my pajamas got some real 'testing'.  Whew!  Talk of pressure!  My pajamas got really wrinkled and soiled as my mind went through the grueling test questions. I don't remember getting this kind of pressure taking all those college tests.  Not even those employment screening exams.  Or maybe they were too long ago, I can hardly remember.

And that's one of the lessons my pajamas learned after taking all 13 tests.  Never assume that any test is easy.  You may have passed them before.  But the mind has a way of  'resting' and 'relaxing'.  The mind forgets what it has learned, especially when the lessons are not being used for quite a time. 

My pajamas refused to get flustered, though.  Look at my test results.

You might say, so what?  Well, if you're interested in working in your pajamas, working and earning from home-no traffic, no toxic work environment, having more time for self and family- these exams could just be your ticket.

How did my pajamas get started? http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657

Needless to say, I'm happy working in my pajamas.  Right this very minute, I'm working wearing my green shorts and white shirt, with the river and some fruit trees providing me with a very relaxing view.  And I can still chat with my niece.  I don't even have to comb my hair (unless I have an online meeting). But I did brush my teeth - hello!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

today is the day

Today is the day my assignments are due.  I was supposed to have finished everything a week ago.  After all, all my tutorials are done.  I only had the Odesk and the Brainbench exams to finish.  Unfortunately, I was unable to focus on these since March 11.

What's March 11?

(from ww.itn.co.uk)
That's March 11! The 9.0 quake that stunned the world and shook a lot of families.  Including us.

joz, vej, zaj

Those are my nieces.  Staying with their Mom and Dad in Chiba-ken.  Since the quake, we were constantly monitoring them and finding ways to get them home.  There was no way I could have taken the Odesk and Brainbench exams.  Not until after they're back home with us - which was last Saturday.

So, I've been cramming since March 21.  Reviewing all my assignments and finally, taking some Odesk exams. I have a few hours left.  I will make sure Jomar gets this before sunrise tomorrow. That's a promise. Or today will be the day I will hate myself.  For letting go of an opportunity to keep on working in my pajamas.

it's back to reality for my pajamas

I'm done with my 10 VA Projects.  Hallelujah! I just need to finish the ODesk materials.  Then I'm heading back to the city.  Tomorrow, hopefully.

My pajamas went through a really challenging 2 weeks.  Almost three, actually.  A lot of late nights.  Gallons of coffee.  Forgetting lunch sometimes.  Wearing pajamas everyday. I just might need a new pair of pajamas. And a new pair of eye glasses.  And a new laptop with bigger screen! I've been using this computer.  I don't need to tell you how challenging it can be.

But my pajamas are happy.  It was very exciting for them I'm sure.  Venturing into something new.  Learning so many useful tools.  Testing writing (and reading) skills. Trying to be creative.  Researching like crazy. Forgetting Facebook.  Well, not exactly.  Having less Facebook - that would be more accurate.

I'm not sure if my pajamas are eager to go back to city life.  It's kind of nice out here.  But my pajamas know - this is not reality.  I would still work in my pajamas.  It will just have to be somewhere else.

Monday, March 14, 2011

my pajamas got sidetracked

I was supposed to finish my Odesk assignments - still in my pajamas.  Unfortunately, my pajamas got sidetracked.  And I'm not complaining.  Sometimes things happen and you just have to rearrange your priorities.

The recent Japan disaster had my whole family reeling.  When family members are in the midst of such monstrous distractions, everything else will have to be laid aside.  I hardly had the time to open any site except for FB as this was the only form of communication we had for a couple of days. 

Now the worst seems to be over for Tokyo.  But something's wrong with my internet connection. It's been intermittent for days.  I'm getting really frustrated.  I remember how internet connections went awry after the Indonesia quake.Or was that Taiwan?

Well, there's not much I can do.  It's waiting time for my pajamas. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

my pajamas went on leave again

This time, it's an emergency leave.  I spent almost the whole day with my niece. Helped her finished 22 assignments.  That's not the hard part.  The hard part was I was doing the tutoring online.

That's my niece.  Her name's Vej.  And she's in Tokyo.

Well, I was able to work (some) while she's busy with her homework.  I was unable to accomplish much today - not in terms of my own assignments.  But I am more than willing to do this again with her.  Especially because she's not keen on homework.  But for some reason,  she didn't mind working on them today.

It's probably because of the novelty of doing it online. Or maybe because she's always more behaved with me - her favorite Tita.  Or because she was having so much fun working on her schoolwork.

  • I gave her stars for each task that she did - a total of 150 stars!
  • We would do shoulder and head rolls together - in between each homework
  • I let her sing and dance when she can't seem to finish what she's doing
  • She got to choose (for my approval) what she ate 
I am sure she had fun - we had to force her to go offline and go to bed.

And it wasn't a whole day leave for my pajamas.  While she was doing schoolwork, I was able to finish another tutorial - How To Use Evernote.

Am looking forward to more days like this.  Another proof of how good it is to 'go-to-work-in-pajamas'

Sunday, February 27, 2011

my pajamas went on vacation

Everybody needs a vacation.  I think more so when you go to work in your pajamas.  It's not good for your pajamas to be overworked.  And a trip out of your home office will do you good.

So, where did my pajamas go?  The closet where else? I was out with family yesterday and today - celebrating birthdays.  I would have preferred staying home and finishing my VA projects.  But I can already feel myself feeling tired from all the late nights and sitting in front of the laptop for hours and hours.  I finished my 5th video tutorial last Friday.  It was a short tutorial.  Surprisingly, It took me more than 12 hours to do it.  Not good.  Considering I was getting the hang of it.

I should be getting better.  But tiredness and fatigue can destroy whatever skills you've acquired.  That's why  I decided to let my pajamas have a short vacation.  No matter where you're working, balance is important.  Work with no breaks can affect your productivity.  You may be able to still produce results when you're tired and stressed.  But I doubt if you can work efficiently. I mean, yes you have the results.  But what about the quality?  Didn't you spend more time revising and revising?  Overlooking things that  you wouldn't have missed if you're mind was sharp and your body full of energy?

My Mom's house is quiet once again.  And my mind feels a little sharper than it did just before the weekend break.  I feel I'm ready to tackle my next tutorial. That's for sure!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Will I Be Here to Eat the Mangoes

Of course that's a mango tree!  I don't need to tell you that. What I need to tell you is - that's not ours.  Before you even request that I bring you some.

That mango tree- heavy with flowers and baby mangoes - is the prized possession of my Mom's neighbor.  All I need to do is step out from my bedroom into the balcony, stretch my arms, and grab all the mangoes I can grab.

I know- some people would call that ...stealing? Well, not in this town. In this town, any fruit of your neighbors- that you can reach- is yours.  That's a law.  My Mom's law.  And I believe her.  Because in this town, that's everybody's law.

Since there's no threat that I would have to go to court for eating our neighbor's mangoes, I've been dreaming (and planning) of getting several of these succulent fruit.  There's only one problem.  They're not yet ready for stealing.  Sorry! I mean picking. 

Everyday, since I arrived here 12 days ago, I would step into the balcony, look at the tree and wonder- will I ever get to eat the fruit?

Looks like it.  Yes, I've been here for 12 days.  And I so badly need to go back to the city. But I'm only half-way through with my VA projects.  5 out of 10. I don't know if that's good or bad. All I know is that I'm getting the hang of it.  Learning so much.  Enjoying working-in-my-pajamas so much. Overusing my laptop so much (that doesn't sound right!) - but you get my drift.

I am yet to finish the VA projects.  But I will.  Soon! Probably in complete, perfect timing with the ripening of the mangoes.  I just need to keep on working. And visiting our neighbor's mango tree while I'm here.

I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out Jomar Hilario's VA Seminars

Cebu - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4273835
Manila - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268349
Downloadable -
If you don't have a paypal account, email me at earnondweb@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i'm not in pajamas

It's almost midnight but I'm still working.  If I stop now, I'll have to start all over again tomorrow.  I don't want to stop the flow of my thoughts.  I'm always like this when I'm designing a training program or preparing a presentation.  And I don't mind.  Would you mind doing what you love to do?

That doesn't mean I don't get tired.  I do. And I need to take short breaks.  I do that when I'm downloading or uploading a file.

I hop on a twister.

Or do some crunches.

That's why I have to do away with my pajamas.  The situation calls for cycling shorts.  And I'm still happy that 'I go to work in my cycling shorts'.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the problem with pajamas

By this time you already know I'm all gaga about pajamas-at-work.  I can give you a litany of the perks.  I've probably done that already.  But like everything else, working in pajamas - or working at home - has it's downside.  maybe i shouldn't call it 'downside'.  Let's be more positive and call it 'upside'.  (how creative!!!)

So, let me start over - the upside of 'working in pajamas' is that you have to police yourself.  You don't need to be in your cubicle at a certain time.  You don't have a boss who will check on your work all the time.  You have no officemates to egg you on when you don't feel like working.  You're on your own.

On your own, it's so very easy to slip into the no-schedules habit.  You go about your day with no plan, no end in mind.  You simply coast along, not knowing whether you are on target or not.  You keep yourself busy without being aware if you spent more time clearing your closet than actually working.  And then you cram.

The challenge of working from home, on your own, in your pajamas is - going about your day as if you have an 8-5 job.  Yes, 8-5.  You should have the normal 8 hours of work, with an hour of lunch break thrown in.  Unless it's absolutely necessary to work extra.  By necessary, I mean, you have more work to do.  Not because you dilly-dallied for days - then work yourself crazy to keep up with a project.

Just remember - you may be in your pajamas but you're still at work.  It's only a matter of geography.  And just like any other job, you need to produce results. Or you'll find yourself  RETIRED - in your pajamas.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

it was "BO"!

A friend asked me one time "How'd you get into this... this blogging thing?" (her FB is probably full of my posts!!!)

I told her "it was Bo". Yes, Mr. Bo Sanchez started it all for me.

I first met Bo in a meeting in Makati - over a sumptuous meal of sushi, tempura, tamago and all sorts of Japanese goodies .  In between bites, I found out he's got a schedule a mile long.  Bringing the Chairman of the Board and the Executive Director to that lunch did the trick. We got us 1 day of his precious time.  So, we met again.  This time at the Board Retreat in Bangkok.  As manager of the event, I had the privilege of witnessing how he ministers to people. I was amazed.  I was touched. I was moved. I ended up subscribing to his newsletter. (And I got him to sign my copy of his book 'Simplify and Live the Good Life'!)

I love his 'Soulfood' newsletters. I read them through and through - up to the very end of the page.  That's how I found myself enrolled in Jomar Hilario's internet workshop in Cubao.  I clicked on the workshop link, got myself enrolled and I've been blogging ever since.

Oh, don't bother asking me how much I have in my adsense account.  That's not Jomar's fault.  Entirely mine.  I don't spend enough time blogging.  Because I haven't got the time.

But you see, this is now a case of  'once-connected-with-jomar-always-connected-with-jomar'.  Talk of persistence!  Sometimes I wonder if Jomar invented the word.  And I'm grateful.

Without Jomar's invitations, I wouldn't have learned about the VA Training.  And I wouldn't be sitting here right now - in my pajamas - working hard, learning things, having fun.... thankful that God made my path cross with Bo's.  So i can pursue my 'work-at-home dream' through Jomar's VA training.

You can dream about working in your pajamas, too.  Check Jomar's VA Training. Or his Internet Marketing.  Or better yet go for his Online Mentoring.  You won't regret it. Promise!

Leave your comment here if you want more info.