a way to work in pajamas....

There are ways and ways. Becoming a virtual assistant (or a VA) is one of them. Don't be fooled by the term assistant! It's no joke! It requires hard work. - a tremendous amount of back-breaking, mind-boggling, stomach-churning work. Sometimes I ask myself - "should I just go back to the corporate world?".

I could. But that would mean giving up my dream - of a simpler life, with lots of moments for pause and reflection, and a job that allows me to "go to work in my pajamas".

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

today is the day

Today is the day my assignments are due.  I was supposed to have finished everything a week ago.  After all, all my tutorials are done.  I only had the Odesk and the Brainbench exams to finish.  Unfortunately, I was unable to focus on these since March 11.

What's March 11?

(from ww.itn.co.uk)
That's March 11! The 9.0 quake that stunned the world and shook a lot of families.  Including us.

joz, vej, zaj

Those are my nieces.  Staying with their Mom and Dad in Chiba-ken.  Since the quake, we were constantly monitoring them and finding ways to get them home.  There was no way I could have taken the Odesk and Brainbench exams.  Not until after they're back home with us - which was last Saturday.

So, I've been cramming since March 21.  Reviewing all my assignments and finally, taking some Odesk exams. I have a few hours left.  I will make sure Jomar gets this before sunrise tomorrow. That's a promise. Or today will be the day I will hate myself.  For letting go of an opportunity to keep on working in my pajamas.

it's back to reality for my pajamas

I'm done with my 10 VA Projects.  Hallelujah! I just need to finish the ODesk materials.  Then I'm heading back to the city.  Tomorrow, hopefully.

My pajamas went through a really challenging 2 weeks.  Almost three, actually.  A lot of late nights.  Gallons of coffee.  Forgetting lunch sometimes.  Wearing pajamas everyday. I just might need a new pair of pajamas. And a new pair of eye glasses.  And a new laptop with bigger screen! I've been using this computer.  I don't need to tell you how challenging it can be.

But my pajamas are happy.  It was very exciting for them I'm sure.  Venturing into something new.  Learning so many useful tools.  Testing writing (and reading) skills. Trying to be creative.  Researching like crazy. Forgetting Facebook.  Well, not exactly.  Having less Facebook - that would be more accurate.

I'm not sure if my pajamas are eager to go back to city life.  It's kind of nice out here.  But my pajamas know - this is not reality.  I would still work in my pajamas.  It will just have to be somewhere else.

Monday, March 14, 2011

my pajamas got sidetracked

I was supposed to finish my Odesk assignments - still in my pajamas.  Unfortunately, my pajamas got sidetracked.  And I'm not complaining.  Sometimes things happen and you just have to rearrange your priorities.

The recent Japan disaster had my whole family reeling.  When family members are in the midst of such monstrous distractions, everything else will have to be laid aside.  I hardly had the time to open any site except for FB as this was the only form of communication we had for a couple of days. 

Now the worst seems to be over for Tokyo.  But something's wrong with my internet connection. It's been intermittent for days.  I'm getting really frustrated.  I remember how internet connections went awry after the Indonesia quake.Or was that Taiwan?

Well, there's not much I can do.  It's waiting time for my pajamas. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

my pajamas went on leave again

This time, it's an emergency leave.  I spent almost the whole day with my niece. Helped her finished 22 assignments.  That's not the hard part.  The hard part was I was doing the tutoring online.

That's my niece.  Her name's Vej.  And she's in Tokyo.

Well, I was able to work (some) while she's busy with her homework.  I was unable to accomplish much today - not in terms of my own assignments.  But I am more than willing to do this again with her.  Especially because she's not keen on homework.  But for some reason,  she didn't mind working on them today.

It's probably because of the novelty of doing it online. Or maybe because she's always more behaved with me - her favorite Tita.  Or because she was having so much fun working on her schoolwork.

  • I gave her stars for each task that she did - a total of 150 stars!
  • We would do shoulder and head rolls together - in between each homework
  • I let her sing and dance when she can't seem to finish what she's doing
  • She got to choose (for my approval) what she ate 
I am sure she had fun - we had to force her to go offline and go to bed.

And it wasn't a whole day leave for my pajamas.  While she was doing schoolwork, I was able to finish another tutorial - How To Use Evernote.

Am looking forward to more days like this.  Another proof of how good it is to 'go-to-work-in-pajamas'