a way to work in pajamas....

There are ways and ways. Becoming a virtual assistant (or a VA) is one of them. Don't be fooled by the term assistant! It's no joke! It requires hard work. - a tremendous amount of back-breaking, mind-boggling, stomach-churning work. Sometimes I ask myself - "should I just go back to the corporate world?".

I could. But that would mean giving up my dream - of a simpler life, with lots of moments for pause and reflection, and a job that allows me to "go to work in my pajamas".

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Go on Vacation While Working in My Pajamas

You got that right: vacation and work all in one breath.  How is that possible?

I don't know about other work-at-home people.  Me, I'm having the time of my life, enjoying the flexibility that comes with my work-at-home job (or jobs, to be more accurate).

What am I talking about?

Well, for starters, let's look at my 50-hour per week job.  Yes, that's 50 hours - minimum.  That's nothing compared to my 80-hour work weeks while I was killing myself in a corporate environment. Add to that the 16-20 hours travel time to and from the office and the 10 hours getting-ready-for work, I was left with a measly 58 hours for everything not related to work.  No wonder I kept having nightmares (if I got to sleep at all) about getting a life.  Let's not even touch the issue of travels - those stressful long waits at the airport, the scary midnight trips to wherever, and the times spent packing and unpacking.  My lifestyle was contained in a suitcase.

Oh, yes, there was variety.  But, flexibility?  Not much. 

True, I got to see places, met people, ate local food.  But, for years, I never really had a real vacation - one that's not squeezed into a busy work schedule, one when you can turn off your phone, when you don't need to hunt for a local cafe to check emails.

Things have changed.  Now, I continue to work a lot but, as I am (almost) my own boss, I get to control my time.  I don't juggle anymore.  I simply put work, vacation and other things into more manageable schedules.  No mixing. Simply enjoying:  enjoying my work when I'm working and enjoying my vacation when I'm vacationing.


The Cagsawa Ruins.  I've passed this area once or twice during official trips.  Never have any pictures because there was no time to stop and take some.  Not anymore

i never even saw this gate before

never got the chance to be amazed
a ruin that's still standing!!!

history!  not just a page in a book

will this hold up

look at those weeds at the top

what used to be a church entrance?

somewhere in there was the altar

how can something dead be alive?

and be there to be enjoyed
mayon, seemingly ashamed for having caused things to die.  yet, still standing - proud, eternally beautiful - a reminder that nothing's permanent....

Yes, I've traveled this way before.  And I thank God for making me pass this way again - as a work-at-home - able to arrange my schedules so I can have time to...take pictures.

Interested in working from home?  Check these out:


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