a way to work in pajamas....

There are ways and ways. Becoming a virtual assistant (or a VA) is one of them. Don't be fooled by the term assistant! It's no joke! It requires hard work. - a tremendous amount of back-breaking, mind-boggling, stomach-churning work. Sometimes I ask myself - "should I just go back to the corporate world?".

I could. But that would mean giving up my dream - of a simpler life, with lots of moments for pause and reflection, and a job that allows me to "go to work in my pajamas".

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Go on Vacation While Working in My Pajamas

You got that right: vacation and work all in one breath.  How is that possible?

I don't know about other work-at-home people.  Me, I'm having the time of my life, enjoying the flexibility that comes with my work-at-home job (or jobs, to be more accurate).

What am I talking about?

Well, for starters, let's look at my 50-hour per week job.  Yes, that's 50 hours - minimum.  That's nothing compared to my 80-hour work weeks while I was killing myself in a corporate environment. Add to that the 16-20 hours travel time to and from the office and the 10 hours getting-ready-for work, I was left with a measly 58 hours for everything not related to work.  No wonder I kept having nightmares (if I got to sleep at all) about getting a life.  Let's not even touch the issue of travels - those stressful long waits at the airport, the scary midnight trips to wherever, and the times spent packing and unpacking.  My lifestyle was contained in a suitcase.

Oh, yes, there was variety.  But, flexibility?  Not much. 

True, I got to see places, met people, ate local food.  But, for years, I never really had a real vacation - one that's not squeezed into a busy work schedule, one when you can turn off your phone, when you don't need to hunt for a local cafe to check emails.

Things have changed.  Now, I continue to work a lot but, as I am (almost) my own boss, I get to control my time.  I don't juggle anymore.  I simply put work, vacation and other things into more manageable schedules.  No mixing. Simply enjoying:  enjoying my work when I'm working and enjoying my vacation when I'm vacationing.


The Cagsawa Ruins.  I've passed this area once or twice during official trips.  Never have any pictures because there was no time to stop and take some.  Not anymore

i never even saw this gate before

never got the chance to be amazed
a ruin that's still standing!!!

history!  not just a page in a book

will this hold up

look at those weeds at the top

what used to be a church entrance?

somewhere in there was the altar

how can something dead be alive?

and be there to be enjoyed
mayon, seemingly ashamed for having caused things to die.  yet, still standing - proud, eternally beautiful - a reminder that nothing's permanent....

Yes, I've traveled this way before.  And I thank God for making me pass this way again - as a work-at-home - able to arrange my schedules so I can have time to...take pictures.

Interested in working from home?  Check these out:


Friday, May 18, 2012

Who Says Working in My Pajamas is a New Career?

I thought, when I decided to work in my pajamas, that I have opted for a new career altogether.  Big mistake!

Training to Work in My Pajamas.

True!  I set out to be a virtual assistant.  I went on training to be one.  I attended Jomar Hilario's Virtual Assistant Seminar.  Jomar offers two virtual assistant workshops: face-to-face and the downloadable version.

I wanted to see how an on-line VA training would go.  It went really well.  The materials were clear and concise.  I was done with the workshop in less than 4 hours.  But that's not all.

The training was hands-on.  There were assignments.  And I got to learn on my own.  My, how I learned!  With the simple steps, I was able to submit my assignment on time.  I created my blog the 'VA Essentials'.  I got the hang of it, I actually did another blog 'got carried away'.

Working in My Pajamas as a Newbie.

I started out with an on-line writing job. 

Who would have thought? Somewhere deep inside me was this desire to write.  I know I have poems and short stories filed away in some boxes.  For years, I never found the time to really write.  Except for those memos, project papers and reports, I never got to the kind of writing that would make me feel I'm doing something that I love.

But that's not all.  You see, as one of Jomar's trainees, I was able to join his FB group.  In that group, you'll find all kinds of posts for on-line jobs.  There was this post that no one seemed to be taking notice of.  You know why?  The employer was looking for someone 'extraordinary'.

Scary!  I don't think I'm extraordinary.  But the job requirements seemed to suit me to a T.  I thought, "Why not? What have I got to lose?".

Guess what?  I got the job.  It was a short project but I got the time of my life.  It paid well.  The hours were flexible I was able to continue writing.  And my boss was....extraordinary.    He left some really extraordinary feedback in my oDesk profile.  Projects started to flow in from then on.

Doing What I Love Doing While Working in My Pajamas.

It's amazing how things started to fall into the right places after that one extraordinary stint with an extraordinary man.  Now, I'm doing two things I love doing - two things that has been the highlight of my corporate career : Training and Recruitment.

Yes, I do everything on line.  I work in my pajamas helping people find jobs.  I work in my pajamas designing training materials to help people succeed in their jobs.

By working in my pajamas, I did not change career.  I only changed locations.  I can work anywhere, in fact.  I never have to go on leave to take care of personal things.

I have a career.  And I don't need to be in corporate clothes to do what I love to do.  I'm a happy, career woman - in pajamas.

And I continue to write...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

working in my pajamas gave me the time

I've been working in my pajamas (literally) for quite some time now.  I've shared, time and again, how happy I am with my current situation:  no traffic, no early morning hassles, more time for self and family, no office politics (well, not as much as the politics you encounter when you work face-to-face).

Recently, I've had another realization. Now that I'm working in my pajamas, I also have more time for friends.  In less that a month, I went to 2 class reunions, several lunches and dinners with friends and a weekend getaway. I can hardly email my friends when I was working in a regular corporate environment!

How is that possible?  I have, at a minimum, a 60-hour work week.  That's already 20 hours more than what is required in a corporate setting.

Well, let's do some math.  Bear with me, though.  This is my absolute "waterloo" - math, I mean.

By not going to a regular office, I am saving, daily:
  • 1 hour in my morning rituals ( I used to need an hour and a half)
  • 1-2 hours travel time to work
  • 2 hours travel time to go home
  • at least 3 hours in meetings
On the average, I have 7 hours extra on my hands since I started working in my pajamas.  That's 35 hours a week.  Which means that, if I go by my usual regular work hours I still have 15 hours free time, on top of my weekends.

But that's not it.  The beauty of working in my pajamas is that my time is my own.  I am able to control 99% of my time.  Depending on the personal demands, I can go easy and work through my weekend.  Or I can work double time so I can have my weekend free.  And with the extra 7 hours a day, there's a lot of leeway. 

All in all, I've been having a grand time.  I'm doing what I like doing working in my pajamas.  I'm learning a lot of things while working in my pajamas.  I'm earning my living while working in my pajamas.  I'm enjoying family and friends while working in my pajamas.

A dear friend said, not everyone is cut out for this type of work.  Maybe she's right.  Maybe she's not.  It's for you to explore.  Then, you decide.

Visit these links, and start your exploration:


Sunday, November 27, 2011

my pajamas at work

It's been a long time since I've touched this blog.  One would think my pajamas went on a long vacation again.

Not this time.

This time, my pajamas went to work.  And my, what work!  The only difference from my corporate life is I'm home.  My work hours are the same - long, busy.

But wait!  How come the word stress doesn't even come to mind?  I work long hours but I'm not stressed?  And I have time to eat, exercise and do house work?  I even found time to have a room converted into a home office.  (I should blog about this).

There's something to be said about working from home.

Every morning I wake up, refreshed.  I get 6-8 hours of sleep.  A rare thing when I was employed elsewhere.

There's no morning rush.  So, I have time to stay in bed, feeling the morning sun seep in from the east and the cool wind from the west.  I have time to lay still and thank God for the chirping of the birds and the swaying of the tree leaves right outside my window.

Then, I reach out for my bible-for my spiritual nourishment.  I get up and I actually have time to make up my bed.

My morning ritual has gotten really simple.  No need to dress-up.  No need for make-up.  No hair dryers or iron plates.

Breakfast is leisurely.  Not the usual crackers and banana that you bite into while driving.

I've started to enjoy my bathroom rituals since I started working from home.  I actually have time to look at the mirror while brushing my teeth. 

You know what I love the  most? Getting dressed! Shorts and comfortable tees.  And pajamas!  Flipflops instead of shoes.  No need for a purse or a handbag.  All I need to do is cross over - a couple of steps, maximum three- from my bedroom to my home office.

How about work?  Well, this is the biggest surprise.  I thought I would have to give up my career altogether while working from home.  I thought the work-from-home career is for virtual assistants, writers and IT people only.  Big mistake!

After a really short stint as a personal assistant, now I'm doing (on line) two of the things I love doing the  most: recruitment and training.  Yes! Training.

Another wonderful surprise is the new friendships I've started to develop via Skype.  If you're a bonafide breathing, feeling human being, you just can't stay impersonal for long.  Somehow, the need for a more personal interaction comes into the picture.  No physical interaction-true.  But emotional bonding is possible. 

What is it to you?  Well, it's an option.  You're not trapped in your current cubicles.  You don't need to continue hating your life the minute you open your eyes from sleep (or the lack of it). 

I'm not going to tell you that you'll have time for family 24 hours a day.  You will be working.  You're just at home.  Just a shout away in case of emergencies.  With more free time because you'll save on travel and getting ready for work.

A lot of people still cannot imagine what I'm doing.  I'm at home but I'm working.  I get paid in dollars and the money goes straight to my bank account. I get paid while working in my pajamas.  And I get to learn while I work. 

Obviously, I'm quite happy with the way things have turned out.  Maybe it's time you start thinking about working from home, too.  Check out these sites to get started:


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my pajamas is in japan

I haven't posted in this blog for some time.  I got busy with some small projects and getting a visa.  A visa for Japan - yes!  That was a long shot. But I got myself a 3-month visa. On sponsorship, of course.

This is the beauty of working from home.  Or working in your pajamas.  I don't need to go on leave for the 3 months I'll be out of the country.  I may be in thicker, warmer pajamas.  But I'm still in my pajamas.  Working.

I get to walk every morning here

or here

sometimes here

Sometimes I bike to see this view

Oftentimes,I walk by this river (Edogawa) which is pretty close to my sister's house

I take really long walks everyday.  But I'll be home early mid-morning.  Working.  In my pajamas.

(Note:  If you're interested to work in your pajamas, click on these links - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268349 or http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268351

Friday, April 22, 2011


Well, a lot of us say "yes" when asked "do you want work from home"? We all think it's some kind of fantasy (that's impossible) or it's heaven (I wish...).

Why not stop the speculation and investigate what to expect, how much can you earn, and know more about how you can do this "work at home thing".

Listen to the "work at home" expert Jomar Hilario as he trains you on how you can start making steps to leaving your stressful work and just staying in your bedroom all day ...while earning!

Click here to know more: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268350

And if you can't attend the Manila Sept 18, 1pm - 6pm event, you can still be oriented via the ONLINE version of the seminar here: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268350

Try it out, it's about time you spent more time at home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

my pajamas got 'TESTED'

My pajamas finally got to take the oDesk tests.  And my pajamas got some real 'testing'.  Whew!  Talk of pressure!  My pajamas got really wrinkled and soiled as my mind went through the grueling test questions. I don't remember getting this kind of pressure taking all those college tests.  Not even those employment screening exams.  Or maybe they were too long ago, I can hardly remember.

And that's one of the lessons my pajamas learned after taking all 13 tests.  Never assume that any test is easy.  You may have passed them before.  But the mind has a way of  'resting' and 'relaxing'.  The mind forgets what it has learned, especially when the lessons are not being used for quite a time. 

My pajamas refused to get flustered, though.  Look at my test results.

You might say, so what?  Well, if you're interested in working in your pajamas, working and earning from home-no traffic, no toxic work environment, having more time for self and family- these exams could just be your ticket.

How did my pajamas get started? http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657

Needless to say, I'm happy working in my pajamas.  Right this very minute, I'm working wearing my green shorts and white shirt, with the river and some fruit trees providing me with a very relaxing view.  And I can still chat with my niece.  I don't even have to comb my hair (unless I have an online meeting). But I did brush my teeth - hello!